Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm Charlie

I'm Charlie and I'm free. I eat buggers. Did you know Landon, my friend? He eats buggers without his teacher seeing him.

Did you know my friend Ezra knows how to build a paper airplane?

Did you know one time a scratched my knee and blood came out? And we needed to put a band aid on, and it was really owie. And I got one on my pinkie too.

Did you know my house is called Cabby Cap?

I wanted a blog like my sister Hazel. She's cool and she has a camera, but her camera broke.

And, did you know now I like that color? It's blue. I like blue.

That's all. That's all mom!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie
    I am a friend of your mom's from Spain.
    I love your blue blog.
    And I love your name.
    And I hope you have a great day finding some really big bugs!

